Mapa chileno de los delitos de abuso sexual y de conciencia cometidos en entornos eclesiásticos.

Este mapa es realizado por quienes integran esta red.

Recibe actualizaciones periódicas. La última corresponde al 06/08/2020.

Contiene las denuncias públicas contra religiosos y laicos de delitos cometidos en entornos eclesiásticos. Se mencionan sacerdotes, diáconos, catequistas, laicos, monjas, hermanos y hermanas, consagrados y consagradas, obispos y cardenales. Se incluyen también los que han sido señalados como encubridores de dichos delitos.

Esta actualización contiene más de 360 entradas (49 nuevas respecto de enero de 2020) con similar número de delincuentes denunciados.

Estadísticas globales:

4 cardenales

27 obispos 48 autoridades: canciller, monseñor, director de colegio, director de hogar, director de seminario, vicarios, superiores, responsables, entre otros

3 capellanes

186 sacerdotes, párrocos, diocesanos

15 diáconos

68 hermanos, hermanas, consagrados y consagradas

20 laicos, profesores, catequistas, ministro extraordinario

Órdenes religiosas mencionadas (denuncias):

Asuncionistas (1)

Barnabita (7)

Capuchinos (3)

Child sex abuse report in Pennsylvania names priests with ties to SW Florida

Naples Daily News

August 16, 2018

By Melanie Payne and Ryan Mills

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to clarify that the Rev. Sean Kerins does not live in Naples. He lives in Erie, Pennsylvania, and has family in Southwest Florida.

Three priests with ties to Fort Myers, Naples and Port Charlotte were named in a Pennsylvania grand jury report detailing child sexual abuse by priests.

The three are among the more than 300 — including at least 16 with ties to Florida — who the report states were perpetrators, are being investigated for possible sexual misconduct or were involved in a cover-up of the scandal.

Child sex report in Pennsylvania names priests with ties to SWFL


August 15, 2018

By Melanie Payne and Ryan Mills

Four priests with ties to Fort Myers, Naples and Port Charlotte were named in a Pennsylvania grand jury report detailing child sexual abuse by priests.

The four are among the more than 300 — including at least 16 with ties to Florida — who the report states were perpetrators, are being investigated for possible sexual misconduct or were involved in a cover-up of the scandal.

The report, released Tuesday, names the Rev. Robert J. Brague, who once served at St. Ann in Naples, the Rev. Timothy Sperber, who lives in Port Charlotte, and the Rev. Thomas M. O’Donnell, who lives in the Fort Myers area, as priests who engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior with minors but were protected by the Catholic Church.

The grand jury report also names the Rev. Sean Kerins, of Naples, as one…

Erie diocese releases names of accused priests, laypeople


April 6, 2018

By Ed Palattella

Bishop Lawrence Persico increases transparency with disclosures, which diocese is making as a statewide grand jury nears end of its probe of how Erie diocese, others handled allegations of sexual abuse of minors.

The Catholic Diocese of Erie on Friday opened a long-locked vault of secrets and released the names of diocesan priests accused of sexually abusing minors.

In a reversal of diocesan policies, Bishop Lawrence Persico disclosed the names at a 10 a.m. news conference at St. Mark Center in Erie, the headquarters of the 13-county, 202,000-member diocese.

Persico released the names about two weeks after the diocese issued a March 21 statement that it would make the disclosures soon. The diocese issued that statement a day after the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo released the names of 42 priests, 24 of whom are dead, accused of sexually abusing minors…

Probe continues in priest’s texts

The Herald (Sharon PA)

February 18, 2018

By Melissa Klaric

A Pittsburgh law firm representing the Catholic Diocese of Erie uncovered more information in the case of a Kennedy Catholic priest accused of sending inappropriate text messages to a student, a diocese spokesman said on Friday.

Ann-Marie Welsh, director of communications for the diocese, confirmed on Friday that the law firm of K&L Gates LLC in Pittsburgh concluded that the information warranted further investigation by the state Attorney General’s office. She did not reveal further details.

”This is not just an internal investigation,” Welsh said of the law firm’s findings. “These are professionals who conduct independent investigations.”

Bishop Lawrence T. Persico of the Erie Diocese said the Rev. Sean Kerins has been removed from his assignments at Kennedy and at Church of the Good Shepherd Parish in West Middlesex pending completion of the investigation.

Two Diocese of Erie Priests Removed from Ministry, Prohibited from Contact with Minors

Erie News Now

February 13, 2018

Two Diocese of Erie priests have been removed from ministry – one for alleged sexual abuse and the other for inappropriate contact with minors.

Father David Poulson, 64, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Cambridge Springs, and Father Sean Kerins, 27, chaplain at Kennedy Catholic High School, Hermitage, have been prohibited from any public ministry, as well as from any contact with minors.

The diocese said it received what it believes are credible allegations against Father Poulson regarding the sexual abuse of minors. The matter has been turned over to law enforcement. A preliminary, independent investigation is ongoing.

Kennedy Catholic High School in Hermitage informed the Diocese’s Catholic Schools Office late last month about possible inappropriate communication from Father Kerins, who is a faculty member, to a student at Kennedy. ChildLine and law enforcement were informed, per school and diocesan…

Two priests removed by Diocese of Erie

The Meadville Tribune

February 14. 2018

Roman Catholic priests from parishes in Cambridge Springs and West Middlesex have been removed from any public ministry as well as from any contacts with children by the Diocese of Erie.

Father David Poulson, 64, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Cambridge Springs, and Father Sean Kerins, 27, chaplain at Kennedy Catholic High School, Hermitage, also assigned to Church of the Good Shepherd Parish, West Middlesex, have been removed.

A statement from the Diocese said the two removal actions are unrelated to each other but come in the wake of investigations by the Diocese.

The diocese received what it believes to be credible allegations against Poulson regarding the sexual abuse of minors. A preliminary independent investigation is still ongoing, and the matter has been turned over to law enforcement, the Diocese said in a statement.

With Kerins, the Catholic Schools…

Two priests fired after alleged sexual abuse and inappropriate contact with minors

Your Erie

February 13, 2018

The Diocese has announced that two priests, Father David Poulson, 64, and Father Sean Kerins, 27, have been removed from the Erie Catholic Diocese. According to a memo from the Diocese, the two have been “prohibited from any public ministry, as well as from any contact with minors”.

They tell us the situations are unrelated. In the case of Poulson, who was the pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Cambridge Springs, the Diocese received what they said they believe “to be credible allegations against [him] regarding the sexual abuse of minors”. A preliminary independent investigation is ongoing and the matter has been “turned over to law enforcement”. Monsignor Robert Brugger, former pastor of Saint Anthony Parish, will take over Poulson’s parish, effective immediately”.

In the case involving Father Sean Kerins, Chaplain at Kennedy Catholic High School in Hermitage and Church…

Kennedy Catholic priest accused of sending inappropriate text to student


February 13, 2018,

Father Sean Kerins is no longer at the school and has been ordered not to contact the student

A 27-year-old priest at Kennedy Catholic High School in Hermitage has been removed from the Erie Catholic Diocese.

Father Sean Kerins was the chaplain at the school, as well as a priest in residence at Church of the Good Shepherd in West Middlesex.

Through an investigation, the diocese said Kerins sent a series of inappropriate texts to a student at Kennedy Catholic.

Kerins is no longer at the school and has been ordered not to have contact with minors.

Law enforcement has been notified and is doing its own investigation.