Assignment Record– Rev. Kirby R. Blanchard

Summary of Case: Kirby Blanchard was ordained for the Duluth diocese in 1953. He was an assistant at the Cathedral in Duluth for 12 years, then pastored parishes in Garrison, Deerwood, Deer River, Cohasset, Nisswa, Pequot Lakes, Pine River, and Duluth until 1976. He was a hospital chaplain in Duluth from 1976 until his retirement in 1993. Blanchard was removed from active ministry in December 1995. He died August 11, 2006. Blanchard's name was included on a list released by the Duluth diocese in December 2013 of priests who had been credibly accused of sexual abuse of young persons while serving in the diocese.

Born: November 16, 1928
Ordained: May 30, 1953
Died: August 11, 2006



Start Stop Assignment Town/Accusations State Position Notes


Duluth bishop was Thomas Anthony Welch (1925-1959), followed by Francis Joseph Schenk (1960-1969).

1/07/65 Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Duluth MN

3/4, 3/5, 2/5

1954-56: Revs. Alfred J. Azzo, J.C.L., James F. Golden, Kirby R. Blanchard. School- Sisters of the III Order of St. Dominic 10. Sister Domitilla, O.P., Dir. Lay teacher 1.

Revs. Azzo, J.C.L., Golden, Blanchard. Sister Mary Eugenia, O.P., Dir.

1957-58: Revs. Alfred J. Azzo, J.C.L., Revs. James F. Golden, Kirby R. Blanchard. In res., Rev. Robert W. Klein. Sister Mary Eugenia, O.P., Dir. Sisters of the III Order of St. Dominic, 10.

Most Rev. Laurence A. Glenn, D.D., Revs. Golden, Blanchard. In res., Rev. Klein. Sister Eugenia, O.P., Dir.

Most Rev. Glenn, D.D., Revs. Blanchard, James W. Scheuer. In res., Rev. Klein. Sister Eugenia, O.P., Dir.

1960-61: Rt. Rev. Msgr. George A. Gallik, J.C.D., V.G., Revs. Blanchard, Scheuer. In res., Klein. Sister Eugenia, O.P., Dir.

1961-62: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gallik, J.C.D., V.G., Revs. Blanchard, Scheuer. In res., Rev. Klein. Sister Eugenia, O.P., Dir.

1962-63: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gallik, J.C.D., V.G., Revs. Blanchard, Scheuer. In res., Rev. Klein. Sister Mary Lucille, O.P., Dir.

1963-64: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gallik, J.C.D., V.G., Revs. Blanchard, Patrick D. McManus. In res., Rev. Klein. Sister Mary Lucille, O.P., Dir.

The Cathedral had a school with 433-544 students.
1/07/65 8/24/66 Our Lady of Fatima Garrison MN Pastor  
1/07/65 8/24/66 St. Joseph's Deerwood MN 1/1  
8/24/66 2/27/69 St. Mary's Deer River MN 1/1  
8/24/66 2/27/69 St. Augustine's Cohasset MN Pastor  


Schenk was succeeded by Paul Francis Anderson (1969-1982).

3/17/71 St. Christopher's Nisswa MN Pastor  
2/27/69 3/17/71 St. Alice's Pequot Lakes MN Pastor  
2/27/69 3/17/71 Our Lady of Lourdes Pine River MN 1/1  
3/17/71 6/01/76 St. Anthony's Duluth MN

1/3, 1/2

1971-72: Rev. Kirby Blanchard. In res., Rev. Adrian Fernando, O.S.B. School- Sisters of St. Benedict 2; Sister DePaul Chamberlain, O.S.B., Prin. Lay teachers 3.

1972-73: Rev. Blanchard. Sister Chamberlain, O.S.B., Prin.

Rev. Blanchard. Sister Mary Clare Hall, O.S.B., Prin.

Rev. Blanchard. Sister Mary Clare Hall, O.S.B., Prin. Rel. Ed. Coord. Miss Kathy Laughlin.

1975-76: Rev. Blanchard. In res., Rev. George Schroeder. Sister Mary Clare Hall, O.S.B., Prin.

St. Anthony's had a school with 93 students.


Robert Henry Brom replaced Anderson as Duluth bishop (1983-1989), followed by Roger Lawrence Schwietz, O.M.I. (1989-2000).

12/05/93 St. Joseph's Hospital Brainerd MN Chaplain The 1977-78 Directories index Blanchard as at Hibbing General Hospital, but he is listed in the Duluth diocesan pages as at St. Joseph's.


Dennis Mario Schnurr succeeded Schwietz (2001-2008).

8/11/06 Retired   MN  

Blanchard is not indexed in the 1995-2000 Directories.

He was removed from active ministry December 27, 1995.

Blanchard died August 11, 2006.


Sources: Official Catholic Directory (New York: P.J. Kenedy and Sons, 1954-2006)

Clergy with Credible Claims against Them Concerning Sexual Abuse of a Young Person, Roman Catholic Diocese of Duluth, December 31, 2013
Bishop Sirba Releases Names of Credibly Accused Priests, Roman Catholic Diocese of Duluth, December 31, 2013
Diocese of Duluth Releases Names of Accused Priests, By Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune, December 31, 2013
The Diocese of Duluth Release Their List of 17 Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Minors, By Mike Bryant, Legal Examiner, December 31, 2013
Bishop Sirba Releases Names of 17 Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse in Duluth Diocese, Northlands News Center, December 31, 2013
Duluth Diocese Releases List of Accused Priests, By Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune, January 1, 2014
Catholic Priest Accused of Sex Abuse Served in Lakes Area, By Kate Perkins, The Pine and Lakes, January 7, 2014

Priests in a Parish: We use the following convention to show a priest's place among the clergy of a parish: 1/2 means that he is the first priest listed in the Official Catholic Directory (usually the pastor) and that there is a total of two priests at the parish. The shorthand 3/4 means that the priest is listed third on a four-priest roster. See our sample page from the Directory.

Note: The Official Catholic Directory aims to report the whereabouts of Catholic priests in the United States on January 1 of the Directory's publication year. Our working assumption is that a priest listed in the Directory for a given year was at the same assignment for part of the previous year as well. However, Kenedy and Sons will sometimes accept updates well into the year of publication. Diocesan clergy records are rarely available to correct this information. The Directory is also sometimes misleading or wrong. We have tried to create an accurate assignment record, given the source materials and their limitations. Assignment records are a work in progress and we are always improving the records that we post. Please email us with new information and corrections.

This assignment record collates Blanchard's career history as it is represented in the Official Catholic Directory with allegations as reported in the media. We make no representation regarding the truth of the allegation we report, and we remind our readers that the U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty. Similarly, individuals who may be defendants in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a plaintiff proves otherwise. Admissions of guilt or liability are not typically a part of civil or private settlements. For more information, see our posting policy.

This assignment record was last updated on October 18, 2015.