Priest Accused of Sex Abuse

By Art Golab
Chicago Sun-Times
June 29, 1992

The Rev. Thomas J. Swade, a Catholic priest who worked as an assistant at a South Side parish, has been placed on administrative leave after being accused of sexual abuse by a male parishioner.

Members of St. Dorothy Roman Catholic Church, 450 E. 78th, where he worked, were told of the action at masses on Sunday.

The Archdiocese of Chicago took the action after a 25-year-old man accused the priest of sexual abuse in an incident that occurred years ago, said archdiocesean spokesman Robert Quakenbush.

The man who made the accusation wants to remain anonymous, Quakenbush said.

Swade will live under archdiocesean supervision at an undisclosed location until an in-house investigation is completed.

Swade's removal follows a June 15 announcement by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin that eight priests, all unidentified, would be removed from their parishes because of accusations of sexual misconduct. Swade was not one of those priests, the archdiocese said.


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