Cardinal and Bishops Reverse Course on Survey Participation

NBC 25 [Los Angeles CA]
Downloaded June 13, 2003

Los Angeles-AP -- Now that some changes have been made, Cardinal Roger Mahony and the 12 California bishops will take part in a national survey on priest sexual abuse.

California Church officials say the bishops balked last month in part because they felt the survey violated state privacy laws.

But the college that created the study has agreed to make changes and the nation's largest Roman Catholic archdiocese now says the bishops will cooperate.

Former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, who heads a panel appointed by U-S bishops to review abuse allegations, had accused Cardinal Mahony of listening "too much to his lawyer and not enough to his heart."

The National Review Board survey of 195 U-S dioceses seeks to determine how many priests had been accused of sexual abuse since the scandal surfaced in January 2002.


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