| Fox News Has Blackout of Some Catholic News?
June 5, 2012
The folks at the right wing Media Research Center have their clean white (and very chaste, Christian, and heterosexual) panties in a bunch because the godless librul media had a "blackout" of news about supposedly rampant sex selection abortion and the "unprecedented" and totally awesome lawsuits filed by the Catholic Church against the Obama administration. But in keeping with promoting all the right wing news that's fit to propagandize and making the MRC happy, Fox News has been obsessing about HHS mandate, the lawsuits, and "genderside." Despite the claim of the network to be "fair & balanced," the coverage is squarely on the side of the Catholic bishops whose anger towards Obama rivals the most rabid in the GOP. In the coverage, Cardinal Dolan has received pride of place. But interestingly, there've been some other news stories, related to the Catholic Church on which the voices, in the Catholic amen corner of Fox, are silent. Put it this way, if both issues concerned - say - teacher's unions, the howls would be deafening. Curious, read on.
Can you imagine what Fox would say if the NEA or the AFT investigated some teachers whose views diverged from that of the unions. Why Fox would howl about creeping, librul fascism. But wait. The Vatican has rebuked the largest organized group of American Nuns because the sisters, who have been caring for the poorest of the poor and sickest of the sick, haven't been engaging in the misogyny and homophobia of theVatican. In other words, "Holy Father" is upset because these women put their mission before preaching loudly against same sex marriage and abortion. And some of these women have had the audacity to question the Church's rules on birth control and advocate for the ordination of women. Il Papa has ordered the nuns to submit to three bishops who will review their policies. The nuns are pushing back and they are being supported by thousands of American Catholics who have held public vigils in support of the sisters. Now you'd think that with all those Catholics at Fox News, there would have been some talk about this. 50,000 people have signed a petition in support of the nuns. Meanwhile, Fox is focused on possible Catholic "civil disobedience" about the birth control mandate. Go figure.
Can you imagine what Fox would say if "government school" departments paid off unionized teachers, accused of sexual abuse, to get the hell out of Dodge before retirement time? Why Fox would howl about degenerate and corrupt socialist education. Well, it seems that NY Cardinal Dolan, before whom all Fox News knees will bow and all Fox News tongues confess, "authorized payments of as much as $20,000 to sexually abusive priests as an incentive for them to agree to dismissal from the priesthood when he was the archbishop of Milwaukee." This happened because some folks, involved in lawsuits against pedophile priests, were upset that these priests were still getting some sweet salaries and benefits from the church. So in an effort to get these priests off the diocesan dole, Dolan provided some cash incentives. He said it was "an act of charity" for priests who are "victims."
In response to the release of source documents by "The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests" (SNAP), who accessed the material, Cardinal Dolan, who is leading the fight against employer paid birth control, reacted in truly Christ like fashion: SNAP has no credibility whatsoever. To respond to charges like that that are groundless and scurrilous in my book is useless and counterproductive." One assumes that Megyn Kelly pal, Catholic League head Bill Donohue will continue to defend Dolan against those nasty boys in SNAP whom he has described as a "phony victims group" and a "pitiful bunch of malcontents." Dolan has made his appreciation, for Dolan's support against SNAP, known in a letter of thanksgiving. Meanwhile Fox is focused on those awesome lawsuits, filed by the bishops, against the Obama administration. Go figure.
Guess not all Catholic News is created equal.
Oh, and BTW, for all you fans of Fox's one true Catholic priest and religious contributor, Father Jonathan Morris, here's the latest dish. He's off toIreland with Cardinal Dolan. Now isn't that special!