Names of Clergy Members Accused of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct Released
By Jennie Olson
February 11, 2015
Two separate lists of names were released Wednesday of clergy who have been accused of sexual abuse or misconduct.
The names were put out by both the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and an attorney representing abuse clients.
The Archdiocese disclosed the names and assignment histories of four men who have substantiated claims against them of sexually abusing a minor while they were assigned as priests or, in the case of one, before he was a priest. All of those incidents happened between the mid-1950s and the mid-1980s, according to the Archdiocese.
Those names were: Michael Bik, James Robert Murphy, James Namie and Raimond Rose.
Additionally, Attorney Jeff Anderson released 17 names of priests, brothers and lay people who have also been accused of abuse or misconduct. Lawyer Jeff Anderson says all of the clergy have been identified in Notice of Claims submitted to the Archdiocese and its insurance carriers. A Notice of Claim lets the receiving party know that there may be a potential lawsuit.
It’s the first times those names have been made public.
The list of names includes:
Joseph Baglio
John Jerome Boxleitner
Patrick William Coates
Leonard Cowley
Alphonsus Ferguson, S.S.C.
Thomas Gardner, O.F.M.
Jerry Grieman
Marvin Klaers
James Namie
Jerome Plourde, o.s.c.
Noel Shaughnessy, O.F.M.
Ladislaus Sledz
Emil Twardochleb, O.M.I.
Joseph Warnemunde
Harold Whittet
Karl M. Wittman
Vincent Worzalla