Restricted Diocesan Priests

Chapter 11 Reorganization

On January 4, 2011, Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki directed attorneys to file a petition for a Chapter 11 reorganization of its financial affairs under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Read more...


Due to Substantiated Reports of Sexual Abuse of a Minor

In line with the assurances given in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, these are the names of diocesan priests of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee who have been (or would be if they were still alive) restricted from all priestly ministries, may not celebrate the sacraments publicly, or present themselves as priests in any way. In addition, in accordance with the canonical norms that have been established, the allegations against any living priest are sent to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome.

Raymond A. Adamsky, Fully Restricted from Priestly Ministry

James L. Arimond, Laicized

Ronald J. Bandle, Deceased

James W. Beck, Left Priestly Ministry

Franklyn W. Becker, Laicized

Michael C. Benham, Laicized (Deceased)

Frederick J. Bistricky, Deceased

Daniel A. Budzynski, Laicized

Peter A. Burns, Laicized

S. Joseph Collova, Excommunicated

Andrew P. Doyle, Laicized (Deceased)

William J. Effinger, Deceased

Ronald Engel, Fully Restricted from Priestly Ministry

George A. Etzel, Deceased

William J. Farrell, Deceased

James M. Flynt, Laicized

James M. Godin, Laicized

Edmund H. Haen, Deceased

David J. Hanser, Laicized

Harold A. Herbst, Deceased

George S. Hopf, Deceased

James N. Jablonowski, Fully Restricted from Priestly Ministry

Marvin T. Knighton, Laicized

John T. Knotek, Deceased

Michael J. Krejci, Laicized

Eugene T. Kreuzer, Deceased

Oswald G. Krusing, Deceased

Jerome E. Lanser, Fully Restricted from Priestly Ministry (Deceased)

Eldred B. Lesniewski, Deceased

Daniel J. Massie, Laicized

Lawrence C. Murphy, Deceased

Donald Musinski, Deceased

Michael T. Neuberger, Dismissed from clerical state (case in appeal)

Richard W. Nichols, Deceased

George A. Nuedling, Deceased

John A. O’Brien, Laicized

Donald A. Peters, Laicized

Roger W. Schneider, Laicized

Clarence J. Schouten, Deceased

Vincent A. Silvestri, Deceased

Thomas A. Trepanier, Fully Restricted from Priestly Ministry

Jerome A. Wagner, Laicized

John C. Wagner, Fully Restricted from Priestly Ministry

Charles W. Walter, Fully Restricted from Priestly Ministry

Siegfried F. Widera, Deceased

Updated: November 2012

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408

Copyright © 2012

In an effort to achieve our goals of transparency and accountability, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has partnered with EthicsPoint, a third-party company, to administer an online service to report financial misconduct. Read more...

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