Diocese of
Paterson, New Jersey

The Diocese of Paterson (“the Diocese”), established in 1937, encompasses Morris, Passaic, and Sussex counties in northern New Jersey. The Diocese, located in Clifton, New Jersey, consists of 111 parishes, 164 diocesan priests, and 174 deacons. The Diocese has 58 elementary schools and 5 high schools. Bishop Frank J. Rodimer has led this Diocese since February 1978. A compliance audit was conducted during the period of August 18-20, 2003.

The following describes conditions evident during the week of the audit. Information on corrective actions taken by the Diocese subsequent to the audit will be found in the last paragraph.


To Promote Healing and Reconciliation
The Diocese has a documented outreach program to address allegations of sexual abuse of minors by clergy. The bishop or his designee has met or offered to meet with victims/survivors and their families. The victim assistance coordinator is Maria Sartori. The diocesan review board, established in July 2002, is a group of diverse, qualified personnel, including a victim/survivor of sexual abuse by clergy who is also a member of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP). The bishop was commended for this progressive initiative in appointing the SNAP representative. Procedures for reporting allegations of sexual abuse are readily available. No confidentiality agreement with a victim has been entered into since June 2002.

To Guarantee Effective Response to Allegations of Abuse of a Minor
Allegations of abuse reported to the Diocese are also referred to the local county prosecutor’s office on a timely basis and in a fully cooperative manner. Guidance and procedures for reporting alleged sexual abuse of minors have been repeatedly publicized and distributed throughout the Diocese, including via weekly diocesan newspapers and on the website. A Recommendation addressed the need for the Diocese to complete the Standards of Ministerial Behavior guidelines that were being developed at the time of the audit and stipulated that the guidelines be publicized and distributed as soon as possible. The Diocese demonstrates transparency and openness in their response to allegations of sexual abuse. The bishop has met with parishes directly affected by clergy misconduct.

To Ensure Accountability of Procedures
The diocese has participated in the research study regarding the “nature and scope” of the problem of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy.

To Protect the Faithful in the Future
The Diocese has implemented a safe environment training program and, except for volunteers, has conducted background evaluations on personnel who have regular access to children and youth. A Recommendation directed that the Diocese continue efforts to ensure that each of the 111 parishes completes the required background inquiries on all volunteers who have regular contact with minors. The Recommendation also suggests that these inquiries include personnel employed by the Church prior to September 2001. Screening and evaluation protocols are employed for candidates for ordination. No clergy who have committed an act of sexual abuse of a minor have been transferred outside the Diocese since June 2002 for ministerial or residency purposes. In one instance, a cleric who retired to another diocese was later charged with abuse, and appropriate notifications were made. The bishop has been in telephone and written contact with representatives of other clerical institutes in the Diocese. There is systematic, ongoing formation for priests.

Compliance with the Provisions of the Charter

At the conclusion of this audit, the Diocese of Paterson was issued two Recommendations and one Commendation.

RECOMMENDATION 1—That the Diocese ensure that all parishes complete required background evaluations on volunteers identified as having regular contact with children and include those persons hired prior to September 2001.

RECOMMENDATION 2—That the Diocese finalize the standards of conduct and boundaries for clergy and other church personnel having regular contact with children as soon as possible.

COMMENDATION—For including on the diocesan review board a victim/survivor of clergy sexual abuse who is also a member of SNAP.

As of December 1, 2003, the recommendations had been addressed. The Diocese of Paterson is compliant with the provisions of the Charter as measured by the process described in Section 1, Chapter 2.

The compliance audit measured activity that has occurred since the adoption of the Charter in June 2002 with the exception of certain mandated actions found in Articles 5 and 14. Actions taken by the diocese/eparchy prior to June 2002 to address allegations of sexual abuse of minors by priests and deacons are not included in this summary report.


Office of Child and Youth Protection
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20017-1194
(202) 541-5413 | FAX: (202) 541-5410
Email: ocyp@usccb.org
January 02, 2004 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops