Cardinal Dolan’s Verdun Strategy For SNAP

Talk to Action

Frank Cocozzelli

Thu Apr 12, 2012

In early 1916, the First World War was entering its third year. For over two years the German army had been locked in a stalemate with the forces of Britain and France on the Western Front. The German high command decided on a strategy intended to “bleed France white” by drawing the French Army into a battle of attrition centered on the forts of Verdun. But in pursuit of this strategy, the Germans almost bled themselves out instead.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and the most powerful leader of the the Catholic Church in the United States — may be leading his church towards a similar outcome, having adopted a similar strategy towards groups seeking greater accountability for the Catholic hierarchy’s handling of pedophile clergy.

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