‘Catholics and the New Age’

Renew America

By Matt C. Abbott

In light of recent headlines involving the Vatican’s announced “house-cleaning” of the modernist Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), I’m publishing excerpts from the introduction to Father Mitch Pacwa’s book Catholics and the New Age.

Originally published in 1992, Father Pacwa’s book is still timely, especially given that many religious communities have, over the last few decades, become infected by the New Age Movement (among other things) and have lost the true faith.

Thanks to Kathleen M. Carroll of Franciscan Media for allowing me to publish this material in my column. Click here to order a copy of the book.


A campus chaplain at a Catholic university recommends crystals, the energy source of Atlantis, for personal help.

A Catholic women’s college offers workshops in Wicca (witchcraft) and the goddess within. Astrology columns appear in the school paper….

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.