W.Va. bishop denies abuse allegations

Lebanon Daily News

By JOHN RABY Associated Press
Updated: 04/19/2012

CHARLESTON, W.Va.—West Virginia Roman Catholic Bishop Michael Bransfield on Thursday denied sexual abuse accusations made by a witness at a priest-abuse trial in Philadelphia.

“I have never sexually abused anyone,” said Bransfield, the leader of West Virginia’s 76,000 Catholics, said in a statement released through the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.

Bransfield said he’s deeply saddened by the child-abuse scandal that’s been linked to former colleagues and friends from a Pennsylvania seminary where he graduated in 1971.

“Over the years, I have felt devastation for both the victims and the church as I learned about the terrible actions they took with innocent victims,” Bransfield said. “To now be unfairly included in that group and to hear the horrific allegations that are being made of me is unbelievable and shocking.”

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