Archdiocese details scale of abuse cases

The Irish Times

PATSY McGARRY, Religious Affairs Correspondent

Allegations of child sexual abuse were reported this past year against four priests of the Catholic archdiocese of Dublin who were not previously the subject of complaints, it has emerged.

A suspicion of child sexual abuse was raised against one priest of the archdiocese who was not previously the subject of complaints.

There have been, to date, 199 civil actions taken against 46 priests of the archdiocese. Of these 135 have been concluded and 64 are ongoing. Costs, so far, to the archdiocese in the settlement of claims concerning clerical child sexual abuse is currently €15.2 million (€10.3 m in settlements and €4.9 m in legal costs for both sides).

Ten priests or former priests of the archdiocese have been convicted in the criminal courts.

The total number of priests of the archdiocese against whom allegations of child sexual abuse have been recorded is now 98. This relates to a period of over 70 years during which approximately 1,350 priests served in Dublin.

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