Fox 40
Zohreen Adamjee FOX40 News
5:28 a.m. PDT, June 29, 2012
A Fairfield pastor from St. Timothy Orthodox Church was arrested on multiple counts of child molestation on Thursday night in Suisun City.
The clergy of the diocese contacted Fairfield Police Department’s Major Crime Unit and reported possible molestations had been committed by one of their pastors.
The alleged molester is Robert Ruark, 65, from Suisun City, also known as Father Silas. He coordinated the acolyte program for boys eight years old and older.
According to Fairfield Police, Ruark had photographed the alleged victims naked and most of the incidents happened at the church when the pastor was alone with the victims.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.