The Times and Democrat
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A southwest Missouri minister who told federal investigators he was addicted to pornography has been sentenced for nearly four years in federal prison for possessing child pornography.
Michael Alan Crippen, 53, was sentenced Thursday to three years and 10 months in prison without parole for one count of possessing child pornography. He also will be on supervised release for 20 years.
The former minister of First Baptist Church in Duenweg told investigators he had viewed images of adult and child pornography for several years – usually early in the morning before going to work.
Federal authorities began investigating Crippen after being notified by the Dutch National Police that child pornography had been downloaded on his computer from a website in The Netherlands, which had been hacked.
Investigators said Crippen admitted downloading 10 images from the site on Aug. 23, 2009. A forensic examination of his laptop computer discovered more than 360 images of child pornography, including girls under 10 years old either posing nude or engaged in sexual conduct.
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