Alumni should be told about allegations against teacher, paper says

The Sacramento Bee

REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: A story about an ex-Jesuit teacher William Farrington – accused of improper conduct with a student – has sparked controversy here and in Los Angeles.

The Bee story outlined how Jesuit High and San Jose’s Bellarmine College Preparatory School sent emails to alumni telling them that “credible” accusations had been made against Farrington, who had taught at both schools. It asked anyone who may have been victimized to contact authorities.

The editorial board of the “Los Angeles Loyolan” – Loyola Marymount University’s student newspaper – cites the story and asks university officials why they have not issued a similar letter to alumni who may have come in contact with Farrington when he worked in the registrar’s office there between 1987 and 2002. The editorial demands “transparency.”

The editorial says the case is even “more troubling” because the Jesuit brother reportedly was barred from working with minors in 1987- the year he was removed from Jesuit.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.