Donohue repeats his “no porn” exoneration of Finn

Spiritual Politics

Mark Silk
Dec 4, 2012

“I know it when I see it,” Justice Potter Stewart famously wrote in a 1964 pornography case. Evidently, Bill Donohue doesn’t.

Bill’s got his knickers in a twist because the New York Times has stated that Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn’s criminal conviction “stemmed from his failure to report the Rev. Shawn Ratigan to the authorities after hundreds of pornographic pictures that Father Ratigan had taken of young girls were discovered on his laptop in December 2010.” Asserteth Donohue: “That statement is factually wrong.”

He then goes on to argue, as he has before, that what was discovered on Ratigan’s computer was not pornography. So what was Finn convicted of? He doesn’t say.

Factually speaking, Ratigan did have child porn. Here’s a passage from the Graves Report, commissioned by the diocese of K.C. itself, describing a series of the priest’s photos as described by diocesan information systems manager Julie Creech:

The first showed a little girl, face visible, standing and holding a blanket. In a “staged sequence,” the photos depicted a girl lying in a bed, from the waist down, and focused on the crotch. The girl was wearing a diaper, but with each photo, the diaper was moved gradually to expose her genitals. By the last photo, her genitals were fully exposed. According to Ms. Creech, there were approximately six to eight pictures in this sequence of photos; two displayed fully exposed genitals and one displayed her fully exposed buttocks. The little girl’s face was not visible in the staged sequence, but due to her apparent physical size and the fact that the photos were in the same folder, Ms. Creech assumed the photos were of the same little girl whose face appeared in the initial picture.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.