No, a nun won’t be pope …

Washington Post

No, a nun won’t be pope — but there could be female cardinals, without changing any church law

Posted by Melinda Henneberger

No, the next pope will not be a nun — yet there could well be major changes in the role of women in the church, even without any changes in current church law. Though it’s not widely known, nothing precludes women from serving as cardinal-electors, even though they can’t be ordained as priests. So the new pontiff could easily appoint female cardinals — and send the message that women really are important leaders in the church.

No, the next pope won’t be making any big announcements, either — not on Day One or Day 1,001 — about changes in the church’s position on priestly celibacy, or heaven knows, abortion. Yet before he left St. Peter’s on Wednesday, Benedict XVI himself made clear that change is a constant, even in the Eternal City, when he referred to the church as a “living body,” always in flux.

In fact, important changes have already happened, just recently. Though the news was overshadowed by Benedict’s retirement, German bishops have cautiously voiced approval of the use of the morning-after pill in cases of rape.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.