
By Charles P. Pierce

And boom, as Saint Jerome once put it, goes the dynamite.

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, half of which was the blog’s first alma mater in the biz, has done us all an estimable service to putting online all the documents that were jacked out of the Archdiocese there as part of the bankruptcy proceedings resulting from thousands of cases of sexual abuse by priests of said Archdiocese. Needless to say, nobody comes out looking very good. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church comes out of them looking very much like an organization that should be disbanded and fed piecemeal — hierarchy first — into a woodchipper. One guy molested 50 people in 11 parishes before anything happened to him, and not very much did. The sheer magnitude of the criminality is stunning, and this is one archdiocese, and not the biggest one, either.

I would call your attention, though, to the documents and exhibits concerning the time spent in Milwaukee by Dolan Of New York, who has been one of the prime mouthpieces of the phony “religious liberty” argument by which HMC presumes to deny to its Presbyterian cleaning ladies their ladyparts medicine as required by the Affordable Care Act. Dolan is also one of those happy-priest nuisances who thinks he looks cute in a Yankees cap. In Milwaukee, it turns out, he was pretty much Winston Wolf.

Four years before the Archdiocese of Milwaukee filed for bankruptcy, then-Archbishop Timothy Dolan sought Vatican approval to move nearly $57 million in cemetery funds off the archdiocese’s books and into a trust to help protect them “from any legal claim or liability,” according to documents made public Monday.

Read more: Bad Day For Milwaukee Archdiocese – Boom Goes The Dynamite – Esquire
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