Lawyers respond after clergy sex abuse documents released

Fox 6

July 1, 2013, by Jenna Sachs

ST. PAUL, Minn. (WITI) — On a day when thousands of pages of documents were released, detailing the role of the Milwaukee Archdiocese in sex abuse cases involving clergy, the group largely responsible for the release of information responded: Minnesota lawyers representing hundreds of Milwaukee’s clergy sex abuse victims.

The Minnesota attorneys on Monday, July 1st applauded the courage of clergy sex abuse survivors, people they hope are feeling a sense of relief and hope after the release of these secret documents.

“They have each done something to contribute to the protection of kids in the future,” Jeff Anderson said.

Anderson is the St. Paul attorney who represents many of the victims of sex abuse by priests who served in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Anderson says many of the victims called Monday their day of triumph.

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