Newark’s New Coadjutor

National Catholic Reporter

Michael Sean Winters | Sep. 24, 2013 Distinctly Catholic

I dined with two clerics last night who had nothing but good things to say about the new coadjutor archbishop of Newark, Bp Bernie Hebda. I am just thrilled that this appointment came so quickly. Of course, in this case, Archbishop Myers lost all credibility when he penned an insanely defensive letter to his priests, accusing the press of being evil for its reporting of his own mistakes in handling sex abuse cases in both Newark and Peoria. And, the deposition that was released in Peoria was appalling – he sounded like a tobacco executive assuring us that smoking doesn’t cause cancer. But, nothing +Myers did was any worse than what was done by Bp Finn, who is still gloriously reigning in Kansas City- St. Joseph and, unlike Abp Myers, Bp Finn has been convicted of child endangerment in a civil court. It is time for Rome to take action, no matter what +Finn’s powerful patrons say.

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