Christian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
John Allen, Vatican expert for CNN and the independent National Catholic Reporter (NCR), is likely correct in his current NCR column. John says “experts” will pore with a fine tooth comb over Pope Francis’ new 200+page “Letter”, entitled “The Joy of the Gospel” (“Evangelii Guadium”).
But many Catholics and others, not “experts”, also will soon ask their own questions: Why is this Letter being published now on these particular topics? Does the Letter address one of their major concerns–making bishops trustworthy again? What’s missing and why is it missing?
Bishops were originally selected by, and accountable to, the general Catholic faithful, the so called “People of God”, in the Church the Apostles left behind in the New Testament era. All Catholics were considered spiritually equal on the first Pentecost. If Catholic bishops will not be accountable to the faithful again, why not? What is Francis’ objection to the full Gospel message?
As the absolute monarch he in fact is, Francis picked the specific points he wanted to address in his Letter. On many of the points he selected, he wrote marvelously and spiritually. But he didn’t ask Catholics what they wanted addressed, and thereby he avoided essential but uncomfortable topics that remain unaddressed.
The Church’s current child abuse and financial scandals show how untrustworthy some in the the Catholic hierarchy have been. Francis surely cannot just assume most disillusioned Catholics and others will accept only fine words, without real deeds reflecting these words. They won’t if they think clearly and are paying attention !
As with Pope John Paul II, the honeymoon with this friendly, likeable and seemingly well intentioned pope will not last too much longer. His actions will be measured closely by his words. Will they match up? …
Francis, I think, missed real opportunities in his Letter, likely intentionally. I want to point out a few of them and also consider what the omissions can tell Catholics. As a Christian Catholic, I try to assess Francis through the lens of my extensive experience with some leaders of mutinational organizations I encountered as a Wall Street lawyer.
Abused children hurt by priests, disrespected women treated unequally, desperate couples denied contraception and gay persons withheld rights, all deserve prompt support. For them, “wait and see” at this point is another risky approach.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.