No charges against Twin Cities archdiocese in case of convicted priest

Star Tribune

Article by: NICOLE NORFLEET Updated: January 29, 2014

The archdiocese reported the case within 24 hours of receiving information, county attorneys office says.

The Ramsey County attorneys office announced Wednesday that “we cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt” that anyone in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis violated the law in the church’s handling of allegations against a fired St. Paul clergy member who is now in prison for sexually abusing two boys.

Wednesday’s announcement by Ramsey County Attorney John Choi said the archdiocese reported the abuse by the Rev. Curtis Wehmeyer within 24 hours of learning of the abuse. Therefore, the church officials complied with the law requiring them to notify law enforcement.

However, Choi expressed concern about the archdiocese’s handling of clergy sex abuse.

“I continue to be troubled” by the church’s reporting practices, he said. He refused to elaborate because of the continuing police investigation.

Choi said today is “only the beginning” and that authorities will “pursue justice.” He said this review was limited to mandatory reporting law.

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