Dominican Republic idiot Catholics sold their souls to the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast after Christ gave them key to freedom

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow

The Dominican Republic has the key to freedom from the Vatican Concordats if they would only use it and holler to the world and gather viral attention that their papal nuncio was a criminal pedophile for years and who left the country like a thief in the night last August 2013. He is now defrocked but it took a year before the Vatican laicised him because the Vatican needed his signature for all the billions of dollars he looted from the country via the Vatican Concordat. With his commission of millions of dollars, he is the wealthiest and savviest criminal member of the JP2 Army, thus one of the most dangerous predator of young boys. Read our article, Defrocked ex-Vatican ambassador must be jailed. Vatican must return all his loot of billions of dollars back to Dominican people.

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