Jungle Watch

In October of 2013, speaking about his getting rid of Fr. Paul Gofigan in front of thirty members of the clergy, Archbishop Apuron bragged:

“…even S.N.A.P. heard about this and applauded me for doing this on this priest and hope that I do not reinstate him because of that…”

S.N.A.P. stand for Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. I was particularly angered when I heard about what Archbishop Apuron had said because in 2010, when SNAP was on Guam investigating the Archbishop, I was asked to publicly go on the offensive against SNAP in order to defend him. And so I did. I learned later that I had been lied to and that SNAP’s visit had been a close call for the Archbishop.

I kept quiet about it because I didn’t know all the details but I was shocked to hear the Archbishop bragging about SNAP supporting his decision against Fr. Paul when I had been used as cannon fodder to protect him only a couple of years earlier. Well, Archbishop, now it’s your turn to protect yourself. Don’t call me.

And Fr. Wadeson…really? Too bad you didn’t keep to yourself your “deep concern and hurt” (your words) about us lay people learning about the content of your Monday meeting with the Apostolic Delegate. Otherwise no one would have even known you were here. (Of course given what we learned about what was said at both meetings, we can see why you didn’t want us to know.) But since you let us know WHERE you are, now you can let us know WHO you are:

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.