Man loses claim against Order over sex abuse

Irish Examiner

By Ann O’Loughlin

A 54-year-old man’s claim against the Redemptorist Order for damages over sex abuse he says he suffered more than 40 years ago as an altar boy has been dismissed by the High Court.

Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns said there would be “patent unfairness” if he allowed the case to proceed because of substantial prejudice to the Redemptorists as a result of the delay in bringing the case.

The man claims he suffered regular and continuous abuse at the hands of a since deceased Brother in Limerick between 1965 and 1970, when he was aged between seven and 11.

He claims that as a result, his personal development suffered, he attempted to take his own life at the age of 21, and developed a problem with alcohol. He says the abuse also damaged his relationships with women, including his marriage which broke up in 1999.

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