Number of mums tracing adopted children soars after ‘Philomena’

Irish Independent

Eilish O’Regan
Published 21/07/2014

The number of people who are putting their names on an adoption contact register to retrace a birth mother or child has soared in the wake of publicity generated by the film ‘Philomena’ and the Tuam babies controversy.

The register is open to a birth mother or adopted child to put their name on it saying they would be interested in meeting or getting medical information.

The register is operated by the Adoption Authority of Ireland since 2005 and it has arranged 700 matches after the parent and child put their names down seeking contact.

Kieran Gildea, acting registrar of the Adoption Authority, said the rise was mainly due to the film ‘Philomena’ which told the story of Philomena Lee who was sent to the convent of Roscrea after falling pregnant.

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