SNAP: Twice Accused Los Angeles Priest Now Working on Guam

Pacific News Center

Guam – The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests [SNAP] has posted a statement on their website calling attention to a Los Angeles priest now working on Guam who, SNAP says, has been “accused twice of molesting children.”

The statement, issued by SNAP Spokeswoman Joelle Casteix, names the priest as Father John Wadeson.

[St. Dorothy Church]

Casteix says Wadeson “has been named in LA archdiocese records and in news reports as a twice accused predator priest” and “because those allegations were deemed ‘credible’ by church officials, he is not allowed to present himself as a priest anywhere in the Archdiocese of LA.”

Casteix expresses shock that Wadeson now works as a priest on Guam. And while she notes that Father Wadeson has not been convicted of abuse, “the fact that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has banned him from ministry is just cause for” Guam Archbishop Anthony Apuron “to immediate remove Fr. Wadeson from ministry.”

“We fear that Apuron is putting Guam’s children at direct risk,” states Casteix, “and protecting a credibly accused predator instead of protecting his flock.”

PNC News has emailed Archdiocese Spokesperson Msgr. David C. Quitugua requesting comment but we have not yet received a response.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.