St. Paul priest calls for Archbishop Nienstedt to resign


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For Immediate Release

A well-known St.Paul priest is calling for Archbishop John Nienstedt to step down.

In an interview Friday on ROBBOB RADIO (, Fr. Stephen O’Gara says the recent public release of Jennifer Haselberger’s testimony was the tipping point for him.

(Audio Files Attached)

Fr. O’Gara recently retired as pastor of Assumption church in St. Paul but is still an active priest in the Archdiocese. He and other priests have previously suggested the need for change, but this is the first time a priest in the Archdiocese has publicly called for Archbishop Nienstedt to specifically resign. (An O’Gara homily last year criticizing the Archbishop ended up on YouTube, and Fr. Bill Deziel, pastor at St. Peter in North St. Paul, last year called for a “do-over” with regard to Archdiocese leadership.)

The entire interview can be heard on the Audio Archive page @

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Rob Hahn

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.