Tom Petty Blasts Catholic Church In Song

Noise 11

by MUSIC-NEWS.COM on JULY 19, 2014

Tom Petty has slammed the Catholic Church in a song about child abuse on the new Heartbreakers album ‘Hypnotic Eye’.

This week’s Billboard cover story features Tom Petty, who opens up about his ​new track “Playing Dumb.” The song addresses​ ​the victims of sexual abuse at the hands of the Catholic clergy and criticizes Catholic Church .​

Tom Petty blasts the Catholic Church, saying: “[Religion] can’t tell anybody it’s okay to kill people, and it can’t abuse children systematically for God knows how many years.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.