A Liturgy of Lament and overcoming the specter of sex abuse

National Catholic Reporter

Christine Schenk | Nov. 6, 2014

As I sat listening to Jennifer Haselberger accept FutureChurch’s Fr. Louis J. Trivison Award on Sept. 19, I couldn’t help but reflect how proud Father Louie would have been.

Jennifer is a canon lawyer and the whistleblowing former chancellor of the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese. She resigned in 2013 after Archbishop John Nienstedt refused to take seriously her findings of an intentional cover-up of clergy sex abuse by archdiocesan officials. She hoped her resignation would “prompt an external investigation and lead to internal changes.” When that failed to materialize, she collaborated with Minnesota Public Radio in a pivotal, and unprecedented, exposé of the archdiocese’s callous mishandling of sexual misconduct by clergy.

“For me, the decision to go public was an easy one,” she said. “After years of feeling embarrassed by the contradictions between the archdiocese’s external positions and internal actions, I wanted to be able to look the people in my community in the eye again.”

As Jennifer spoke of the horrendous events still unfolding in St. Paul-Minneapolis, I recognized the all-too-familiar gut-punch Minnesota Catholics are now enduring as they cope with daily reports of betrayal by bishops and priests they had formerly admired.

We went through this in Cleveland beginning in 2002. Father Louie, along with many other Cleveland priests, was devastated when news of our own diocese’s cover-up of clergy sex abuse came to light. To address the crisis, Louie helped organize a special diocesewide accountability coalition of lay leaders that met regularly for over two years. He rarely missed a meeting.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.