Archdiocese to release more priest sex abuse files today

Daily Herald

Christopher Placek

The archdiocese of Chicago is set to release documents this morning that detail instances of child sex abuse by 36 priests going back decades.

The documents are expected to reveal information tied to at least a dozen priests who were assigned to parishes throughout the suburbs of Cook and Lake counties. In some cases, the instances of abuse took place at those parishes; in others, priests were assigned to parishes years after the abuse occurred.

The files represent about a quarter of the 352 abuse cases — going back to the early 1950s — that the archdiocese says are “substantiated” allegations of child sexual abuse.

The documents will be available online at 9 a.m. at the archdiocese’s website,

The release of the files follows the archdiocese’s earlier release of more than 6,000 pages of internal communications in January involving 30 priests accused of sexually abusing children. Those files were made available to the public pursuant to a 2006 mediation agreement with attorney Jeff Anderson, who has represented victims abused by priests.

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