Bishop Caggiano reflects on state of Catholic Church

Fairfield Mirror


The Bishop of Bridgeport, the most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, shared his dreams for the future of his diocese in a lecture at the Regina A. Quick Center on Tuesday evening.

In the lecture titled “On Calling a Diocesan Synod: Hopes and Dreams,” Caggiano invited attendees to participate in a tradition that has dated back to the earliest years of the Catholic Church: the Synod.

Described by Caggiano as “a sacred journey of God’s people to discern his will,” Tuesday’s lecture was part of a four-year process that involves him and all pastors, clerical religious administrators and clergy within the diocese assembling to deal with matters facing the modern-day Church. …

The next question posed to Caggiano regarded the clergy’s infamous sex abuse scandals. After sharing that her son-in-law had suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a clergy member when he was young, a female audience member asked Caggiano his opinions on the matter.

“Terrible mistakes were made,” said Caggiano regarding the way in which Church leaders handled the issue, adding “I cannot speak to the intentions of those individuals.

“It’s a wound in the life of the Church,” he concluded.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.