Chicago Archdiocese releases files on 36 abusive priests


By Mary Wisniewski

CHICAGO (Reuters) – The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago released on Thursday internal files of 36 priests who church officials found had sexually abused children.

The files, which were released online, and other documents released in January show how the archdiocese dealt with abuse allegations during the past six decades, including the practice of moving priests accused of abuse to new parishes.

As part of a mediation agreement, the archdiocese in January released files on 30 former priests accused of abusing minors. Lawyers for victims had said at the time they wanted the archdiocese to release documents on more than 30 other priests.

Thursday’s release, which comes less than two weeks before the retirement of Cardinal Francis George, is the latest in a series of such abuse disclosures by Midwest church officials.

“As we said in January, we are committed to transparency with the people we serve,” George said in the statement. “We cannot change the past but we hope we can rebuild trust through honest and open dialogue. Child abuse is a crime and a sin. The Archdiocese of Chicago is concerned first and foremost with bringing healing to abuse victims.”

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