Ex-Binghamton priest avoids prison for child porn

Press & Sun-Bulletin

Anthony Borrelli, aborrelli@pressconnects.com | @PSBABorrelli November 6, 2014

Robert Ours, who admitted to six counts of child pornography, was a former teacher at Seton Catholic Central in Binghamton, but the charges are unrelated to his time there.

A former Binghamton-area priest will spend 10 years on probation after pleading guilty to six felony child pornography charges.

Robert Ours, 65, was sentenced Wednesday by Onondaga County Court Judge Joseph Fahey. Ours was a former teacher at Seton Catholic Central in Binghamton, but the charges were unrelated to his time there, according to the Syracuse Catholic Diocese.

Officials with the Syracuse diocese reported the child porn allegations against Ours to the Onondaga County District Attorney’s Office earlier this year. When Ours pleaded guilty, prosecutors said, he admitted to having six illegal images of children under the age of 16 on his computer in August 2013.

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