Names of 24 sexually abusive priests released


ST. PAUL, Minn. – The names and files of 24 priests credibly accused of sexual abuse who worked in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis were released Wednesday, as part of the recent settlement of a lawsuit.

At least six of the priests whose files were released also worked at one time in the Diocese of New Ulm. Attorney Jeff Anderson, who represents a number of victims of clergy sex abuse, says the Diocese of New Ulm refuses to release their list and documents pertaining to clerics credibly accused of child sexual abuse.

“This release brings more sunshine and disinfectant to a long standing problem,” said Anderson in a written release. “Today’s disclosure was possible because of the courage of Doe 1 and all the survivors who came before him. Because this information has been made public, our children and communities are now safer.”

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