Pope says official sacked for selling annulments – update

Gazzetta del Sud

Vatican City, November 5 – Pope Francis revealed Wednesday that he had dismissed a Church official for selling marriage annulments. “I had to dismiss a person from the tribunal who some time ago said: ‘$10,000 and I’ll do both the civil and ecclesiastical procedure,” Francis told a group of people taking part in a course at the Roman Rota tribunal. The Rota is the highest appeals tribunal of the Catholic Church. He described the event as a “public scandal” and did not give further details about where or when the sacking occurred during his off-the-cuff comments in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican. But he said the process of annulling a marriage should be streamlined. That was a significant topic during last month’s extraordinary synod of bishops from around the world discussing issues confronting modern families, the pope noted.

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