Potential lawsuit names former minister, United Church in sex-abuse claims

The Telegram

Barb Sweet

Published on November 06, 2014

A St. John’s lawyer representing a Newfoundland and Labrador woman will be in court Friday to seek permission to proceed with a Jane Doe sex-abuse case against a former minister and his one-time employer, the United Church of Canada.

The woman — who is seeking the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador’s permission to keep her name and small community from being identified in the proceedings — was not among the 11 children involved in criminal cases against Stephen James Collins, who was a minister and later doctor in various communities and was convicted in the 1980s.

The woman’s lawyer, William Hiscock of Budden and Associates, said after she contacted the United Church about what she claims happened, she felt the only way to get a sense of justice and closure was to launch a civil action.

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