Nadine Dorries MP: I was sexually abused as a child

London Evening Standard


Published: 07 June 2015

Conservative MP Nadine Dorries has revealed that she was abused by a vicar as a child.

Ms Dorries, who once appeared on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!, has said she was abused by and Anglican vicar and family friend while growing up in Liverpool.

Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, the Mid Bedfordshire MP revealed the stories of child sexual abuse described in her novels were based on her own experience.

Ms Dorries, who never went to the police, claims the abuse began when she was summoned to the local vicarage on the pretence of looking at the vicar’s stamp collection.

The man, now dead, showed her a Playboy magazine as well as photos of him and his wife having sex, she told the newspaper.

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