Movie on Child Rape in Hollywood Overlooked


Bill Donohue

In the run-up to the November 6 debut of “Spotlight,” movie reviewers hailed it as an eye-opening account of the sexual abuse scandal that occurred in the Boston Archdiocese.

But Hollywood has no interest in turning its cameras on itself, which is why the public’s eyes have been shut tight from seeing a movie that documents child rape in Tinseltown.

In 2011, when word surfaced that actor Corey Feldman was going public with accounts of child sexual molestation in Hollywood, it caught the attention of Boston producer Matthew Valentinas.

He had been contemplating doing a film on sexual abuse anyway, so when Feldman’s revelations hit the news, he decided the time was ripe to strike.

Feldman was interviewed by ABC’s “Primetime Live” in August 2011. He astonished viewers when he exclaimed, “I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was, and is, and always will be, pedophilia.”

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