Phil Saviano: ‘My Abuser Was My Confessor’


Part four of our “Spotlight” series, in advance of the film’s release Friday.

The critically acclaimed film, “Spotlight”, tells the story of the Boston Globe’s 2002 investigation of what later became the world-wide clergy sex abuse crisis.

We’ve talked to members of the original Globe team, to a lawyer, and a priest. Now, we hear from someone who represents the most important group of people in this story: the survivors.


Phil Saviano, founder of the New England Chapter of SNAP, the Survivors’ Network of Those Abused by Priests.

More In This Series

Radio Boston: A ‘Spotlight’ Shines On Reporters Who Broke The Clergy Sex Abuse Story

“In 2002, an investigation by The Boston Globe’s Spotlight team revealed widespread sexual abuse that had long remained concealed within the Catholic Church.”
Radio Boston: The Longtime Advocates Behind ‘Spotlight’

Radio Boston: The Longtime Advocates Behind ‘Spotlight’

“The film ‘Spotlight’ tells a story that broke in 2002, but started years earlier. Before the Spotlight team investigated allegations of clergy sexual abuse, others — like attorney Mitchell Garabedian and Father Thomas Doyle — were already trying to get justice for the victims.”
Radio Boston: ‘Spotlight’ And A History Of Newspaper Movies

Radio Boston: ‘Spotlight’ And A History Of Newspaper Movies

“On Friday, Bostonians will finally be able to see the new film, “Spotlight,” which details how a group of investigative journalists at the The Boston Globe’s uncovered a Catholic church sex abuse crisis that affected the real lives of many people still living around Boston. But perhaps another reason there’s been so much buzz around this film is because it’s also — at its heart — a newspaper movie.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.