We hope Pell comes clean: Syd abuse victim


Stefanie Menezes

A Sydney man who confronted Cardinal George Pell when he first gave evidence to the child abuse royal commission two years ago says he hopes Australia’s most senior Catholic finally “tells us the truth”.

John Hennessy, 80, will join dozens of other abuse victims at a public hearing in Sydney on Monday morning to watch Cardinal Pell give evidence via video link from a hotel in Rome.

“We hope he does the right thing. We hope everything finally comes clean,” Mr Hennessy, a former deputy mayor of Campbelltown Council, told AAP.

Cardinal Pell is expected to be questioned about several different matters on Monday including claims that he knew offending priests were moved from parish to parish.

“I cannot believe he didn’t know what was going on,” Mr Hennessy said on Sunday.

“It’s up to Cardinal Pell. He must tell us what really happened,” he said.

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