Pope appoints American layman as chief Vatican spokesman

Catholic Culture

July 11, 2016

Pope Francis has named an American layman, Greg Burke, as the director of the Holy See Press Office, effective August 1.

Burke succeeds Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, 73, who has served in the position 2006.

Burke, 56, worked for UPI, Reuters, the National Catholic Register, TIME Magazine, and Fox News before becoming senior communications adviser to the Vatican Secretariat of State in 2012. He is a numerary, or lay celibate member, of the Opus Dei prelature, and has worked as vice director of the Holy See Press Office since February 1.

Father Lombardi’s predecessor, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, served as director of the Holy See Press Office from 1984 to 2006 and was also a numerary of Opus Dei.

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