Boys allegedly locked in rooms to be repeatedly raped by different men

The Daily Telegraph

Neil Keene, The Daily Telegraph
August 1, 2016

A PAEDOPHILE Anglican minister used a knife to cut one of his victims while he raped him to symbolise the “blood of Christ”, a Royal Commission has heard.

Giving evidence in Newcastle this afternoon, Paul Gray described how he was in the Church of England Boys Brigade in Newcastle in the 1960s and became an altar boy aged 12.

Speaking through tears, Mr Gray said he was first raped when he was 10 by now-deceased Fr Peter Rushton — the first assault of years of weekly or fortnightly abuse to come.

Fr Rushton, who was Mr Gray’s godfather, would sometimes cut into Mr Gray’s back, “symbolic of the blood of Christ”, Mr Gray said.

He recounted a church camp during which he was chased by two men and raped in the bush while another boy was raped nearby.

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