Students abused during maths class

Sky News

A NSW survivor of child sexual abuse has recalled wearing a tight belt to school so his maths teacher couldn’t get his hands down his pants, an inquiry has heard.

The survivor, known as CNS, was abused by Brother Patrick, whose real name is Thomas Butler, during maths classes at Marist Brothers High School at Hamilton, near Newcastle, in 1971.

‘Brother Patrick sexually abused me on numerous occasions during that year,’ CNS told the a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on Monday.

‘But I always wore a tight belt so he was never able to get his hand right down inside my pants and onto my genitals.’

The royal commission is examining how Maitlaind-Newcastle Catholic authorities dealt with allegations of abuse against Brother Patrick, as well as men who were known as a Brother Romuald and Brother Dominic.

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