Child sex abuse inquiry may drop Lord Janner case following review


Robert Mendick, chief reporter
1 OCTOBER 2016

The national child sex abuse inquiry is planning to ditch its investigation into Lord Janner, the Labour peer’s son said on Saturday.

Alexis Jay, chairman of the inquiry, would neither confirm nor deny the suggestion when it was put to her but said: “The investigation areas are under review.”

Any decision to scrap the Lord Janner strand would devastate his alleged victims while signalling the break-up of an inquiry that has been lambasted for being far too large and unwieldy.

Daniel Janner, a QC, said he had been told by a well-placed source that a strand of the £100 million inquiry into allegations his father was a paedophile and that the Establishment had covered it up was being dropped.

Mr Janner said: “A wholly reliable source has informed me the strand into my father is to be dropped.”

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