Four unprecedented lawsuits against the Catholic church are the first of many

Pacific News Center

Written by Rebecca Elmore

Attorney David Lujan holds press conference for sexual assault abuse victims.

Guam – The statute of limitations for sex abuse has been lifted and now, in a series of unprecedented lawsuits, four victims are seeking damages against archbishop Apuron and the Catholic church.

But according to the victims’ legal counsel, Attorney David Lujan, this is only the beginning.

More will come forward – that from Attorney David Lujan in a press conference today addressing the concerns of the victims of abuse within the Catholic church.

According to Lujan, the press conference was called to “remove the cancer caused by these pedophile priests and restore the Catholic church to its glory.”

He reiterated that sentiment stating: “It is each victim’s hope that the filings of the lawsuit will bring positive changes in the lives of all victims of abuse, resulting in a cleansing and healing of decades of old feelings of fear, embarrassment, shame, hatred, bitterness, and blaming oneself.”

Lawsuits were filed by four victims against the Archdioces of Agana, they are Roland Sondia, Roy Quintanilla, Walter Denton, and Leo Tudela. The first three allege that Apuron sexually abused them while Tudela says former Gua, priest Louis Brouillard sexually assaulted him.

Even more concerning, Lujan says “I can tell you that I’ve got an additional 12 clients besides the four here and I can tell you that I’m more aware of more people and that I’m in discussion with others and that its just not the Catholic church.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.