St Vincent’s silent on selling hospital land

The Times (UK)

Ellen Coyne
April 29 2017
The Times

St Vincent’s Healthcare Grouphas refused to say if it would consider selling the site for the National Maternity Hospital to the state.

Two senior obstetricians have resigned from the board after it emerged that the Sisters of Charity will own the new hospital after it is built with more than €300 million of taxpayers’ money.

The Department of Health told The Times that the prospect of buying the land at St Vincent’s “never arose”.

St Vincent’s last night declined to answer questions about the prospect of selling the land and said the board was “not making any further comment on these matters at this point in time”.

The Times first reported last month that the Sisters of Charity would own the maternity hospital when it is built on its land at Elm Park. The existing National Maternity Hospital, based at Holles Street, will move to the St Vincent’s campus.

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