James Wilson @jameswilson1919 May 30, 2017
The release of Netflix’s documentary series about the unsolved murder of a Baltimore nun has generated such a level of interest that police have created an online submission form in relation to the case.
“The Keepers” tells the tale of Keough High School’s English teacher Sr Cathy Cesnik, whom many suspect was murdered because she knew too much about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.
“We have been contacted by victims from the past who want to report the sex offenses that occurred to them,” the local police department said in a statement. “The murder investigation related to this Netflix series was handled by the Baltimore County Police Department.”
Decades have passed since the crime was committed, but local people are still desperate for police to get to the bottom of it.
Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.