Bolivar man forms Faithful Catholics Against Pedophilia


By Dave Sutor

Thomas Venditti wants Roman Catholics who are outraged by the cover-up of child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Altoona–Johnstown and elsewhere to unite in an effort to remove pedophiles and their protectors from the institution.

So the Bolivar resident has formed the Faithful Catholics Against Pedophilia.

“We are Catholics who are offended that this has happened within our church,” Venditti said.

“We’re interested in seeing the Catholic Church cleansed of all pedophiles and all those who cover for pedophilia.”

The newly formed group is still small and mostly united through social media, including a Facebook page.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.