Child sex abuse survivors urge legislation


[with video]

June 15, 2017

ALBANY – Survivors of child sexual abuse and their advocates were at the Capitol Thursday pleading with Senate Republicans to “ease their pain.”

Anna Wagner, a Long Island mother of three, who was abused by a family friend when she was 9, says the emotional scars remain and the nightmares are constant.

“I ask that the Senate take a stand and help conserve children’s rights and help conserve the sweet dreams of children tomorrow,” Wagner said. “When is it going to be a priority to stop the nightmares, when we know these monsters are not haunting other children?”

The Child Victims Act would eliminate the statute of limitations and open up a one-year window so that sex abuse victims can file civil suits.

“There’s nothing more repulsive than the sexual exploitation of children by adults, “said Assembly woman Linda Rosenthal (D – New York City), “Without doing this bill, New York State is protecting predators and allowing current predators to continue their ways.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.